STAMP Castell03: I’r Môr

Curadu gan Manon Awst. Bydd beirdd, cerddorion, gwyddonwyr a haneswyr yn rhannu eu cerfluniau, gosodweithiau, perfformiadau a thrafodaethau creadigol ar draws y Safle Treftadaeth Byd. Cynhelir amrywiaeth o weithgareddau fel rhan o’r prosiect celf unigryw yng Nghastell Caernarfon a’r dref rhwng 15-24 Mehefin 2018.

Porth Galar - Cydweithred gyda artist a berfformwyr Najia Bagi

Gosodiad sain a gweledol a pherfformiad. Mae’r darn yn archwilio symudiad, pasio deunydd gwerthfawr, cerdded a dilyn, wynebu ehangder môr ac amser, llanw, a chanu i ganiatáu’r golled a dychwelyd, i’r hunan ac i eraill.

​Mae gan y llais bŵer arbennig i ychwanegu sŵn i'r anadliad a'r exhale, at lanw ein cyrff a thrai a thrai ein bywydau. Mae’r llais yn caniatáu inni glywed ein gilydd, a rhannu yn ein profiadau. Wrth gasglu gyda’n gilydd, rydym yn galw i’r môr ac yn cydnabod pŵer corff o leisiau i gyfleu ein profiad unigol a’n profiad a rennir. Rydym hefyd yn cydnabod y pŵer sydd gan weithredu ar y cyd a chyfleu ein meddyliau a’n teimladau ar y cyd i ddod â ni at ein gilydd a thrawsnewid y sefyllfaoedd o’n cwmpas.

Mae'r darn hwn yn berfformiad promenâd, a gosodiad lled barhaol o gyfansoddiad a gwrthrychau gwerthfawr, y ddau yn ymddangos ac yn diflannu yn ystod y gosodiad.


STAMP Castell03: To the Sea

Curated by Manon Awst. Poets, musicians, scientists and historians will share their sculptures, installations, performances and creative discussions across the World Heritage Site. A variety of activities will be held as part of the unique art project at Caernarfon Castle and town between 15-24 June 2018.

Gate of Grief - Collaboration with artist and performer Najia Bagi

A sound and visual installation and a performance. The piece explores movement, passing of precious material, walking and following, facing the wide expanse of sea and time, tides, and singing to allow the loss and return, to the self and to others.

​The voice has a special power to add noise to the inhale and the exhale, to the tides of our bodies and the ebbs and flows of our lives. The voice allows us to hear each other, and share in our experiences. By collecting together, we call to the sea and give recognition to the power of a body of voices to communicate our individual and shared experience. We also recognise the power that collective action and collective articulation of our thoughts and feelings, has to bring us together and transform the situations around us.

This piece is a promenade performance, and semi permanent installation of composition and precious objects, both of which appear and disappear during the course of the installation.