Gallwch chi ailweirio'ch ymennydd?
Ers 2012 dwi wedi bod yn ymchwilio amdan sut mae’r ymennydd yn prosesu gwybodaeth, enwedig o dan ystyried person gyda dyslecsia fel fy hun, ond ers 2017 dwi hefyd di bod yn ymchwilio symptomau ac agweddau ADHD does gen i ddim diagnosis ond mae’r ffiniau yn denau.
Mae’r prosiect yma wedi anelu i mi ailgydio yn yr ymchwil a rhannu be ddwi di ddysgu amdan osod nodau, problemau oedi’n gweithio ac wrth gwrs sut i ddeud ‘NA’! Dwi dal yn gweithio ar bob un, yn datblygu a gwella. Ond mae rhannu ymarfer dda a rhannu fy mhrofiadau gydag eraill mewn gobaith rhoi cysur neu'r nerth neu’r egni i rywun yn werthfawr.
Gyda chymorth a chefnogaeth CARN rhwydwaith artistiaid yng Nghaernarfon, wnes i drefnu sesiwn sgwrs / hyfforddiant ar-lein i roi cyflwyniad / blas ar y themâu gosod nodau neu gols fel byswn i yn deud, oedi’n gweithio a deud ‘NA’. Sesiwn 1 awr o sgwrs gyda gweithgareddau, rhyngweithiadau a sesiwn 20 munud o C+A yn ychwanegol. Sesiwn dwyieithog ohonof i neidio o un iaith i’r llall, yn rhoi cymorth i ddysgwyr rannu ac i bawb teimlo cyfforddus i siarad yn ei iaith. Ac y tro cyntaf i mi sgwrsio am bwnc oedd dim amdan gelf neu greadigrwydd.
Ond rhywbeth i gofio am oedi’n gweithio
“Wyt ti ddim yn ddiog, nac yn wael am rheoli amser ond yn wael am rheoli hwyliau.”
Dwi’n cael fy effeithio o oedi’n gweithio bob dydd, ac yn fy ymchwil mae’n cael effaith ddrwg yn gorfforol a meddyliol arnom. Mae oedi’n gweithio yn broses mae’r ymennydd wedi creu i gadw’n ni saf, hapusach pam mae tasgau diflas neu anodd angen cael ei chwblhau. Yn lle neud y dasg bwysig mae’r ymennydd yn meddwl ‘www falle mai’r sgidiau angen cael ei llnau neu' mae’r oergell angen ei sortio, neu dwi angen neud siŵr bod pob un feltip yn gweithio!’. Neu fel fi a phawb arall wnâi jyst cael cip olwg ar fy ffon, a 45 munud wedyn ar ôl ‘doom’ sgrolio ar instagram mae’r dopamine hit o fod yn neis i dy hun a thynnu dy hun i ffwrdd o’r dasg ddiflas neu anodd. Ti wan yn teimlo euog a trist a flin achos wan mae gen ti llai o amser i gwblhau'r dasg!
Unrhyw un arall yn teimlo hyn? Fedrai dim bod yr unig un, a dwi’n gwybod bod fi dim.
Ond mi wnes i ticio un o fy nghols noson yno fyd!
Can you rewire your brain?
Since 2012 I have been researching how the brain processes information, especially considering a person with dyslexia like myself, but since 2017 I have also been researching the symptoms and aspects of ADHD I don't have a diagnosis but the borders are thin.
This project abled me to resume research and share what I have learned about setting goals, procrastination and of course how to say 'NO'! I'm still working on each one, developing and improving. But sharing good practice and sharing my experiences with others in the hope of giving comfort or strength or energy to someone is valuable.
With the help and support of the artist network CARN in Caernarfon, I organised an online talk / training session to give an introduction / taste of the themes of setting goals, procrastination and saying 'NO'. A 1 hour session of conversation with activities, interactions and a 20 minute Q+A session in addition. A bilingual session of me jumping from one language to another, helping learners to share and for everyone to feel comfortable speaking in their language. And the first time I talked about a topic that wasn't about art or creativity.
But something to remember about procrastination:
"You're not lazy, or bad at managing time but bad at managing mood."
I am affected by procrastination every day, and in my research it can have a bad effect physically and mentally on us. Procrastination is a process the brain has created to keep us calm, happier, it thinks it’s saving us from the boring or difficult tasks that urgently needs to be completed. Instead of doing that important task the brain thinks 'www maybe the shoes need to be cleaned or the fridge needs to be rearranged, or I need to make sure that every felt-tip is working!'. Or like me and everyone else I will just check my phone, and 45 minutes later after 'doom' scrolling on instagram the dopamine hit of being nice to yourself and removing yourself from the said tedious or difficult task. You now feel guilty, sad and angry because you have less time to complete the task!
Anyone else feel like this? I can’t be the only one, and I know that I am not.
But I did tick one of my goals that night, so win win!